Are You Financially Fit?

Retirement experts recommend that you save 15% of your annual salary every year, throughout your career, to replace 85% of your final year’s salary in retirement. This 85% comes from all sources: your pension, Social Security, and personal savings. To retire at age 65 with 85% of your income from all sources, you must save throughout your career.

Are you saving enough?

If you haven’t enrolled in the 403(b) Savings Plan, now is the time to do so. There is no minimum required amount to get started. Start today and be consistent. Your savings will add up with daily compound interest and your contributions are protected against market fluctuations.

If you are currently enrolled in the  403(b) Savings Plan, when was the last time you considered increasing it? Perhaps now is the time to add an additional contribution. It all adds up!

Congratulations! Now is the time to think about planning for your retirement. Remember, we have the tools to help you. Log in to access the Lifetime Income Tracker. You can estimate what a monthly income payment could look like in retirement by combining current account information with Plan provisions.