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Are you a Y employee who needs to submit completed forms and documentation to Y Retirement?

Document Uploader

Many frequently accessed forms and documents can be securely uploaded directly to Y Retirement via your online account. This includes Annuity Applications, Change of Name forms, Designation of Beneficiary forms, and more. Simply log in here and go to Document Uploader under Account Services to get started.

Mailing Addresses

If you need to submit a form or document that is unable to be processed via Y Retirement’s online Document Uploader – such as rollovers into the 403(b) Savings Plan, loan repayments, and more – please refer to the chart below to determine the appropriate mailing address. NOTE: Sending documents and/or forms to the wrong address below will increase processing time.

What are you sending?
Mailing Address
  • Participant forms and supporting documentation such as an Annuity Application and documentation, Designation of Beneficiary form, Change of Name form, and more.
Log in to your account at www.yretirement.org and go to Document Uploader under Account Services to securely upload your completed form/documents.
YMCA Retirement Fund
5334 Sterling Center Drive
Westlake Village, CA 91361-4612
  • Participant forms and documents that are accompanied by checks such as Rollovers to the 403(b) Savings Plan, or Loan Repayments.
YMCA Retirement Fund
1177 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY
  • To Submit a Claim, QDRO, or to request a copy of the Summary Plan Description Booklet
YMCA Retirement Fund
1177 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY
  • Remittance Contributions
Local Plan Administrators: Log in to YERDI for instructions on how to remit contributions.
YMCA Retirement Fund
1177 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY  10036-2714