The YMCA Retirement Fund

The YMCA Retirement Fund was incorporated in New York in 1921. As a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation, the Fund is organized and operated for the purpose of providing retirement benefits for employees of participating YMCAs throughout the United States.

The Fund offers two plans to help YMCA employees build their retirement savings: the 401(a) Retirement Plan and the 403(b) Savings Plan. The 401(a) Retirement Plan is a multiple employer, defined contribution, money purchase pension plan and is also a church plan. You must meet the age and service requirements to enroll in the Retirement Plan. The Fund also sponsors the 403(b) Savings Plan, a multiple employer retirement income account plan and also a church plan as defined in Section 403(b)(9) of the Internal Revenue Code.

View our video, Introduction to Y Retirement, below to learn more about the Fund.

  • Governed by a dedicated Board of Trustees with vast experience in finance, investments, law, and the YMCA
  • Regulated by the Department of Labor and the IRS
  • Audited by KPMG LLP and the New York State Department of Financial Services
  • Independent consultants include Cambridge Associates and Willis Towers Watson actuarial consultants
  • Invests in a diversified portfolio in various asset classes
  • $9B portfolio managed by the Fund’s highly qualified investment staff
  • On-site education sessions, webinars, and videos
  • Educational sessions for Y leadership
  • No-cost individual retirement counseling
  • Robust website with a variety of planning tools
  • Awarded the Top 100 Contact Center by Benchmark Portal

To learn more about the YMCA Retirement Fund, click here.