When should you start saving for retirement? The answer is simple—now! The sooner you begin saving, the more time your money has to grow. Start Saving Right Away with the Fund’s 403(b) Savings Plan Regardless of your eligibility status in the 401(a) Retirement Plan, you can still save for retirement by contributing to the 403(b) Savings Plan. This Plan does not have the eligibility requirements of the 401(a) Retirement Plan and is available to all employees of participating YMCAs. Save As Much As You can Participating in the 403(b) Savings Plan allows you to save money through payroll deduction on a pre-tax basis in the Tax-Deferred Account, on an after-tax basis in the Roth Account, or both! You can also roll over money from eligible employer plans or traditional IRAs into a Rollover Account or Roth Rollover Account. Rollovers from Roth IRAs are not permitted. Why Save with the Fund? There are some great reasons to save now: Account Balances Have Never Gone Down: Your savings at the Fund are protected from direct market volatility. Earn Interest Over Time: Account balances at the Fund earn interest daily. Convert Your Retirement Savings into a Paycheck for Life: When you retire, you have the option to convert your account balance into generous monthly income payments for life. Separate rules for rollovers may apply. Save More From Each Paycheck Savings Per Paycheck* Growth Over 10 Years Growth Over 20 Years Growth Over 30 Years $10 $3,031 $7,784 $15,238 $25 $7,577 $19,460 $38,095 $50 $15,154 $38,919 $76,189 $100 $30,308 $77,838 $152,379 * Based on 24 Paychecks per year. 4.5% annualized interest credits, compounded daily.