The YMCA Retirement Fund is one of the best retirement plans available, providing guaranteed retirement income that you can never outlive. This unique benefit is your reward for a career of service to the Y. The decisions we make at the Fund today ensure that we can deliver on our promise of generous, safe, and secure retirement benefits for YMCA employees for generations to come.

At its November 19th meeting, the YMCA Retirement Fund Board of Trustees approved 2% annualized interest credits on account balances for the period January – June 2021. When combined with a generous annuity conversion rate upon retirement, the total value of the lifetime income is significantly higher than what is available in the current marketplace.

For the past 100 years, the YMCA Retirement Fund has fulfilled its responsibility to provide retirement safety and security for participants. Throughout this history of service, the Fund has experienced difficult challenges and persevered – payments have never been missed, plan participants’ retirement savings have always been protected from market volatility, and account balances have never decreased. We are committed to maintaining this record.

Thank you for your trust in the YMCA Retirement Fund. We look forward to providing continued safe and secure benefits for your retirement and for generations to come.

November 20, 2020