The YMCA Retirement Fund’s 403(b) Savings Plan is an easy and accessible way for YMCA employees — like you! — to start saving for retirement. As of January 1, 2024, you now have the option to save in a new Roth Account within the Savings Plan, in addition to the existing Tax-Deferred Account (formerly called the Smart Account). Adding the Roth Account option gives you the flexibility to save in a way that works best for your unique retirement goals.
*Must satisfy 5-calendar-year requirement and either be disabled or age 59½ or older.
*Year 1 is the tax year when the first contribution is made, even if in December
You can choose to save in either or both, and choosing which option can depend on several factors. One of the biggest differences between the Tax-Deferred Account and the Roth Account is when your contributions and earnings from interest credited to your Accounts will be taxed by the Federal Government, if at all.
Click here to learn more in this helpful document.
Click here to download the 403(b) Savings Plan Enrollment Form. Complete, sign, and submit it to your Y’s Human Resources Department.
Click on the links below to download helpful documents about the Roth Account.