Change of Address, Phone Number, or Email Address Log in to YERDI to make these changes in the Non-Financial section under Modifications/Terminate. Change of Name Participants must complete a Change of Name form and send it to the Fund along with the required documentation listed on the form. Change of Marital Status Change How to Handle Single to Married Participant can call the Fund at 800-RET-YMCA. Married to Divorced Participant must send a copy of their divorce decree and the property/separation agreement. Email: Fax: 646-458-2550. Married to Widowed Participant must send a copy of their spouse’s death certificate. Email: Fax: 646-458-2550. Designation of beneficiary For a listing of participants who have not named a beneficiary with the Fund, please download the No Beneficiary Report in YERDI. A participant can name any individual or entity as beneficiary. To name or update their beneficiary, they can log in to their account online, or complete and mail the Designation of Beneficiary form to the Fund. If a person is married and names someone other than their spouse, the spouse must give notarized consent.